Pest Control: Familiarizing Yourself with Carpenter Bees


Although most people are terrified of bees, they are necessary for the environment to thrive, as they are the biggest advocates for cross-pollination. Without them, flower populations would die off and the earth would probably run out of food. One of the most common bees that you will find hovering around the backyard would be the carpenter bees. This bee is common the world over, especially during springtime. By getting to know a bit more about them, you could potentially identify them as well as prevent them from nesting in your compound. So what are some of the things that you should know about carpenter bees?

How do you go about identifying carpenter bees?

Typically, these bees tend to be about an inch long. Physically, the upper part of their bodies, the thorax, tends to be quite fuzzy. However, their lower extremities are rather bare and glossy. The females can be identified with their black heads whereas the males have white spots on their heads.

What behaviour should you expect from carpenter bees?

The males of these species tend to be the aggressive ones of the bunch. This is largely because they are tasked with ensuring the security of the nest that they have built. However, the males do not possess any stingers. Only the females do and will typically resort to stinging once they have been provoked. Thus, if one of these bees stings you, a female stung you.  These bees will hibernate in their nests throughout the cold winter months and only emerge once spring is in full swing. These bees do not live in colonies as the honey bees do. Instead, the females will build individual nests where they will proceed to lay their eggs.

What are the preferred nesting areas for carpenter bees?

One thing to note about carpenter bees is that they are attracted to timber. Therefore, the bees are considered pests, as they will build their nests on wood surfaces that are unpainted. Although their nests may not structurally damage the wood as termites' wood, they still ruin its aesthetic appeal. They also will pose a health hazard to you and your loved ones due to the risk of getting stung. Thus to avoid carpenter bees from building nests around your home, ensure all wooden surfaces are painted or varnished. In the event you spot them on your property, it would be prudent to enlist pest control services.


28 November 2016

Pest Control Ideas and Testimonials from Pest Infestation "Survivors"

When I read tips and blogs, I want to read posts written from the perspective of someone who has actually gone through something. I don't like to read purely theoretical stuff. If you feel the same way and are curious about pest removal, you have come to the right place. This pest removal blog has posts and tips from real people who have struggled with pest infestations. It gives you real tips from people who really understand what it's like to have mice nesting in their couches or termites gnawing on their walls. Please, read these tips, posts and testimonials, and integrate them into your life so you can enjoy a pest free life. My name is Wendy, and I hope you like my blog!